Who We Help

The Eden Leisure Foundation is set out to offer support to Voluntary Organisations that fit in with our pillars, outlined in our mission, namely:

  • culture, arts and national heritage.
  • The advancement of environmental protection, sustainability and improvement, including the protection of animals.
  • Social and community advancement and outreach.

Aside from various Ad Hoc activities, each year, the Eden Leisure Foundation selects a number of Voluntary Organisations to partner with throughout the year.  By partnering with a finite few, greater impact can be created.  Support may be financial, sharing resources, nonfinancial donations, volunteering and awareness building and advocacy.

For 2024, the Eden Leisure Foundation has partnered up with:

Although the Eden Foundation was only set up in the middle of 2024, it’s founder, the Eden Leisure Group, has always put a great emphasis on its CSR commitments.  In 2023 alone, the group supported over 40 Voluntary organisations.  The group gives its support in various ways including:

  • Financial support
  • Volunteering
  • Resource Sharing
  • Raising awareness
  • Fundraising
  • Donations
  • Supporting NGOs in our activities

Click here to see who we helped in 2023