InterContinental Malta raises €33,400 for the Love Kitchen

On January 15th, InterContinental Malta, in collaboration with its parent company, Eden Leisure Group, presented a cheque for €23,400 to the Love Kitchen, a subsidiary of the Millennium Chapel in Paceville. These funds were raised through InterContinental Malta’s restaurant initiatives throughout 2024, building on an earlier donation of €10,000 made by the group in July.

The Love Kitchen serves as a vital support system for individuals experiencing homelessness and those in need of a warm meal and companionship. Father Hilary, Director of the Love Kitchen, expressed his heartfelt thanks, “As Mother Theresa said, if you cannot feed one hundred people feed just one. We try to follow this at the Love Kitchen with the help of people like those at Eden Leisure and the InterContinental Malta.”

From left: Elisaveta Debono (HR Manager, Intercontinental Malta & Holiday Inn Express), Kate de Cesare (Chairperson, Eden Leisure Foundation, CSO, Eden Leisure Group,) Fr Hilarry Tagliaferro, Franck Lopez (General Manager, Intercontinental Hotel & Holiday Inn Express).

Kate de Cesare, Chief Sustainability Officer of Eden Leisure Group and chair of the Eden Leisure Foundation, spoke about the significance of the project, “The Love Kitchen, under Fr. Hilary’s inspiring leadership, offers not only nourishment but also dignity and hope to individuals facing hardship. We are honoured to contribute to this worthy cause and stand with their mission to make a meaningful difference in our community.”

The Eden Leisure Group, under the guidance of the Eden Leisure Foundation, is committed to community outreach and frequently supports various charitable organisations across Malta with both financial and in-kind contributions. Headquartered in St Julians, the group is places particular emphasis on initiatives that directly benefit their local community. Through its partnership with the Love Kitchen, Eden Leisure Group remains committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those in need.
