Eden Leisure Group bought select gifts for children at Fondazzjoni Sebħ this Christmas. This initiative was one of the group’s multiple charitable efforts this holiday season.
The children and youth at Fondazzjoni Sebħ put together a wishlist of specific presents they wished to receive. Employees at Eden Leisure Group then picked from these different items to buy them as gifts.
There were twelve kids in total, with seven of them being younger and the five others in their teens. All the presents were bought by different employees and some even partnered up to buy more high-end gifts. The gifts varied from themed room decor and toys, to gadgets, self-care items and vouchers for the older kids.

Eden Leisure also pitched in to buy each of the participating children and youth another separate gift. This meant that each and everyone of them had two gifts. Fondazzjoni Sebħ offers residential services for children and young people, and a shelter and after care service for female survivors of violence and their children.
Eden Leisure Group will continue in its efforts to donate and help out how they can during this holiday season and throughout the year.